Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Angry..wtf ?

We'd all like to be well rounded, calm and witty individuals, wouldn't we ?.

Unfortunately, we're not.

I don't know whether it's the caffiene, or the fact that theres a shitload of HW in year 11. Or the fact that I don't seem to care anymore. Apathy has become my creed.

Anger my emotion, and what vestiges of control I have left fast dissapating.

Maybe it's just this fucking double maths period I just had.
Or the fact that my friends seem less real than my computer.

I quite frankly don't know.

My potential in doubt. (I had potential?). My efforts worthless.

As effortlessesly as I type, Apathy creeps in.

Why ?

I don't know.
And I sure as hell didn't choose to.

Being in an organization used to make me feel like I belong, now it seems alien and weird. But beautiful, In a museum sort of way. Evolution. Moving on. Leaving behind.
An artifact of my past. (Or my future).

I know I need help. But I'm probably just an attention seeker at heart.
If I were to ask about help on certain topics, they were certain to use it to their advantage.
But, such is life. I might just be paranoid.

Alright, enough of that shit.

In other news.

In case you haven't gathered, pressure is mounting up, and even though I got the award for most improved in maths, I don't like it.

US continues to hound Iran. Why ?. Do Iranians have to die too before Americans can use Oil Based Viagra ?


Apathy Rolling in.....

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Are we at the pinnacle of society ?

Shift Happens.

Wow. We literally just had a lot of babies born.

Like wtf. Really? Just predictions so far, but scary.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Battlestar Galactica versus Stargate Atlantis.

I'll tell you straight off, They're both great shows.

Both have really good cast and SFX.
Both have a proud history and tradition, BSG was originally in the 80s and Stargate was going for 10 seasons before the spin off, which went for 4 more seasons.

Two things however, make BSG seperate from all the others.

Not America Centric, colonials have their own factions and inter rivalry. And not as corny.

In SGA, The leader of the expedition always saves the day, and survives, Shepard or Weir, Rodney always has some sort of new invention, just in time to save the day.

But in BSG, scientific inventions don't actually work out, such as the Cylons, which were originally created by man. People are flawed, and it shows. People can't handle the strain and it shows. PEOPLE DIE. and IT SHOWS.

sorry, Stargate, you're gonna have to sit this one out.

Monday, February 11, 2008

2 sides to every coin, or is it three ?


Well, we all tend to one side people, and it's necessary for us to move conveniently and quickly in the modern world. If someone's an asshole, we avoid them. Because we know that they are not going to be conducive to our work. If someone's a nice person we know that they will be a pleasant addition to our day and actively seek and converse with them.

But sometimes, people have another side. Really.
But there's this one really obnoxious guy, lets call him blondie (no offence to blondes.. really), I really wonder why he bothers...doing anything ? If he knows that his attitude isn't conducive to his objective, why bother with the objective if you aren't going to change it ?

Like come on, Argh, I won't bother.

In other news, we're going to send more troops to east timor under a labour government. Well, I suppose it's either that or look foolish while we take oil.

Greed...don't get me started. (partially because I'd be hypocritical)..

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fox, Does it again....

Makes me laugh...

Apparently, they've been attacking bloggers....

In the interests of "fair and balanced" news, I warn that the following video is made by Brave new films, a long time critic of Fox (lets face it, Faux).

what, So bloggers can't express their opinions as fiercely as they wanted ?
o, and by the way, It's not only the "liberal" blogs that spout opinions so fiercely... right wing ones do it much more often and with private backing..

So thank you Faux news, for alienating another audience, that already doesn't trust you and never will.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Iraqi War memorial... for IRAQIs. ..

Ok, So maybe I do like blogging but I don't have time for it....


Did it ever occur to you that there is no memorial for Iraqi's?
Theres a memorial for Iraqi Veterans (AMERICANS) etc, but there is no memorial to the 1.6 million people killed.

Not big enough for you ?

1 600 000 KILLED.

1 600 000 KILLED.

Who the hell are we to say that their lives were not worth remembering ?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Well, more good(bad) news.

Usually, I take the internet for granted now.

But fail to realise what can be at my fingertips.
Like firsthand reports from Iraq.

Yep, folks, first hand doom and gloom. (but it's useful)
