Saturday, December 1, 2007

The ANZUS, I mean ANUS treaty.

Righto, Time to set somethings straight,

Many people here in Australia think that Australia's relationship with the US, is one of necessity.

Some people who remember high school may have heard about the ANZUS treaty, Aus, NZ and US treaty. However, not many people are aware that it is a farce.
All it does is allow the US to plant bases on our soil, on the pretense of security.

The reason it is false is because :

Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on any of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes.

Note that it says "
its constitutional processes", that means that the President of the great US, If he doesn't like us, doesn't have to help us, unless his bases are threatened. So unless the Chinese army, steps on the bases of the great Uncle Sam, HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO SHIT.

So you Australians, out there, keep listening to FOX news telling you to keep an eye out for terrorists, or Today Tonight telling you that Uncle sam is looking over you.

WELL he isn't, dumbasses.


Hossam said...

lol nice words in nice blog
really ur way of ironic is gr8
hope to be a friends
c u soon

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's shifty business. I did come to your views whilst studying the ANZUS treaty. We'd be safer by not entering the Iraq War. But now we've got 'terrorists' on our back. I wonder why we need protection then.