Friday, May 7, 2010

Wow.. didn't think this would still exist

 It occurred to me (rather forcefully, thanks to my friends) that facebook is no longer a space to express my thoughts as freely as possible while still ensuring that they get heard outside of my own head. It also was impressed upon me by the same friends that, my thoughts are not welcome on their walls. Hence, facebook does not, or rather, your friends do not want to know, what's on your mind, unless it's funny, important, or work related.

To a certain extent that is understandable, but I ask this, No one is asking you to read my wall, or even include me in your newsfeed. Furthermore, If you do strike me from your precious friends list, I'm not going to go all superficial on you and suddenly not speak to you in real life, or as they say on the internet, IRL.  I generally do not think about anything that I post on FB, because I didn't think that people took it seriously. Evidently, I was wrong. I make this blog post for two reasons, To put down my thoughts in a medium that is available, but not ubiquitous, i.e. something that doesn't appear on peoples walls unless they choose to, and to ensure that I maintain some form of record, of the paltry existence that is my life.

To this end, I have resolved to:
  1. Post Once a week, and ONLY once a week, barring holidays. 
  2. Make my posts as coherent and non-context specific as possible. 
  3. To limit my posts to a general subject area.
I recognize that no one may see this post, and that I may eventually give up on this adventure, but It is , as they say, A start.

1 comment:

D. said...

saw it bob.
totally agree with u :P