Thursday, May 27, 2010



And now for the serious stuff..
One of House's key recurring motifs is that "Everybody lies".
This isn't cynical, it's true.

The only thing that is constant in humanity, (note the "in"), is the extent to which we can deceive ourselves. We can rationalize anything, anywhere, anytime. We can convince ourselves that it is good to murder Jews, Palestinians or Tutsi. Indeed, given enough of a nudge in the right direction, based on half-truths and myth, we can convince ourselves that WAR, is good. (e.g. War on Terror).

Coming back to House, it seems that nearly every show has a disillusioned husband, wife, mother, son, father, niece, or close friend. I began to think, that really, they shouldn't be shocked. Everyone has secrets, everyone lies. Everyone hides. and Everyone dies.. (hey that rhymes)..

The lies go two ways, We convince ourselves that we know the other person well enough that they would trust us with their secrets too. We lie to ourselves in the face of all logic. One lie could not succeed without the help of an another.

For example, If Wife & Kids think husband can't have AIDS, it's because that not knowing their father/husband would mean some implicit de-efficiency in ourselves. It would mean we do not know them as we'd like to think. So we deny that they could have AIDS. Because we, ultimately, do not want to feel bad about ourselves, when logically, it's not even our fault.

Why ?

Hell, I don't know. No one does. Cue "It's the human condition" explanation. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Social Pressures.

I suppose it’s typical, that as a young adult, social pressures would inevitably become a major issue in life. It is after all, the stage where our place in the world is most clearly not defined. That uncertainty of where our lives will lead results us in looking to others for inspiration and guidance. We look to our parents, our peers, the television, and almost everywhere but ourselves. We often do things that don’t make us happy, but we convince ourselves that they do. We see what’s “cool” and not “cool”. This is of course, a worst case scenario. Most of us have a limit as to the impact of society on our lives.
But that line is fast becoming blurred. Most of us have a “me” time/zone, and area where we don’t have to watch what we say, what we do, or how we do it.  Some of us, unfortunately, do not. But one must ask the question, How many of my hobbies, interests and attitudes are formed by my own mind? How much has been drummed into me by society, and how much is my own conscious decision?  
Are my attributes merely the product of genes? Do I choose to do the right thing because I want to? Or because society demands it ? Is there a fundamental aspect that is unique to each individual, one that used to be called a “soul”?  Do we have free will ? What is this festering presence on earth called humanity?
One could simply not care about societal norms, and as tempting as it is to say “FUCK YOU” to society, in large bloodred letters, Very rarely, do people actually avoid engaging with others. One could go live in a mountain cave somewhere, and not be seen or heard from, but then one would be devoid of all the benefits of society.  It finally dawns that, increased contact with society is the result of technological advances. The very same technological advances that I cannot do without. So while i can sit here and rant about how people take facebook too seriously, and that we can no longer truly know who we are, or who everyone else is, and that life is very much like a play, with everyone wearing masks in different scenes.  In the end, i will probably go and become a productive member of society, because I am human. I will end up adopting the same hypocrisies, the same emphasis on the superficial, the same sense of social ineptitude that we are all eager to hide. I will do all that because I cannot comprehend what it is like to live without a computer, running water, or electricity. 
And in a fittingly Bathetic end to this blog post, I will apologise to my imagined audience, that the internet bandwith has been capped, and hence the delay.
Oh, and here’s some pictures. It occurs to me that beyond childhood, we never comprehend "the big picture" That we are just on a planet, and our trivial concerns are just a few of 6 Billion. Most of them are the same as the other 6 billion, just with different dressings. We are not unique. We are the product of cause and effect. Only few of us can change the world. The rest of us have to deal with it. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Facebook, twitter, and society

Good morning,

For some inane reason, my body clock decided to wake me up at 6 am, probably due to my severely screwed up circadian rhythm. Maybe it's the fact that I organise events on facebook (fb), or that I'm staying at home alone, but I couldn't help but log on, and check my facebook, instead of rolling over and trying to get some more sleep.

Why ?

Perhaps the whole concept behind social media, is not that people care, or that people want to connect, but rather that people are afraid. People are afraid that there aren't others like themselves out there. People are afraid of being alone, or different, and being the only one, who say, has a habit of (to take an example off fb), "counting the hours you have to sleep before you sleep".. Ok, that would be a minor fear. Granted, the majority of fb users aren't quaking in fear/maudlin emotions.. oh wait. Anywho, my point is, if you take away all the social pressure and gossip to be on facebook, at the core of it all, is a human desire to belong. But do we really belong there ?
I know that a similar thing about dehumanisation was said of SMS, and twitter and the internet in general.  To a certain extent, they are true.  However, some forums get along well and community members have no qualms about telling others that they post there, in real life. But an online presence is not the same thing as an actual presence and here's where my theory gets interesting, While excess fb usage is a fear of being alone, an actual social gathering requires effort, and carries the potential for awkward situations. So, fb usage is a combination of fear of being alone, and a fear of being rejected.

But why ?

Fb is society in a microcosm, and an intensification of fears and hopes that dominate our normal lives. Often, people don't know how to react to the immediacy of fb, and twitter, and either play it safe, or go above and beyond the call to "be yourself".. We have manufactured fb personalities, and while we would like to believe that everyone is acting honestly in our everyday environments, we know that to be impossible. We put on a face when we go to work, school, mosque, gym. We want to make ourselves look good. Certainly, these concerns aren't at the forefront of our mind, but they certainly do form a great part of our motivations.. 

But for someone who has just recently moved Cities, I can understand the feeling of non-belonging, but I also accept that there are some groups that you do not want to belong to. Clearly, for me, I would prefer to belong to a group that did not organise, and revolve around facebook. Hell, even texting, I consider to be closer personal contact than tweeting or fb. Fb has it's uses, but is not personal, and only an illusion/chimera?/ (insert fancy term for cure that only works for a short while), for our fear of loneliness.

Unfortunately, we all die alone, and nothing can change that. Having said all that, I still find my fb usage spiked when I moved, until i realised that my friends back in sydney probably had better things to do, and could not possibly respond to every tag that I had. So the only solution for me is to engage with friends I have here, while using fb to keep in occasional touch with people over there. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done, because physical interactivity requires a lot more effort and risk than typing away on a keyboard..

Friday, May 7, 2010

Wow.. didn't think this would still exist

 It occurred to me (rather forcefully, thanks to my friends) that facebook is no longer a space to express my thoughts as freely as possible while still ensuring that they get heard outside of my own head. It also was impressed upon me by the same friends that, my thoughts are not welcome on their walls. Hence, facebook does not, or rather, your friends do not want to know, what's on your mind, unless it's funny, important, or work related.

To a certain extent that is understandable, but I ask this, No one is asking you to read my wall, or even include me in your newsfeed. Furthermore, If you do strike me from your precious friends list, I'm not going to go all superficial on you and suddenly not speak to you in real life, or as they say on the internet, IRL.  I generally do not think about anything that I post on FB, because I didn't think that people took it seriously. Evidently, I was wrong. I make this blog post for two reasons, To put down my thoughts in a medium that is available, but not ubiquitous, i.e. something that doesn't appear on peoples walls unless they choose to, and to ensure that I maintain some form of record, of the paltry existence that is my life.

To this end, I have resolved to:
  1. Post Once a week, and ONLY once a week, barring holidays. 
  2. Make my posts as coherent and non-context specific as possible. 
  3. To limit my posts to a general subject area.
I recognize that no one may see this post, and that I may eventually give up on this adventure, but It is , as they say, A start.