Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bangladesh has the interweb ? WHAT?

Seriously people... ever since I've found out It's been like water to a parched man.
And whats with all these blogs popping up, right after i told them i was blogging (yes, I'm very insecure...)

have a look, at what passes for friends, (and proudly too)

What really sucks (or makes me jealous ) is the fact that they have millions of comments on theirs... probably becuase they told everyone... Well sorry if i had to get stuck in bangladesh....

In other news..

Rest in peace Benazir Bhutto.

Ok, So pakistan was under musharraf for a while,and sure there isn't really a reaon to be concerned if you live in AUS, US or another other western country, just as long as that dictator is friendly to the idea of the GREAT WAR ON A NOUN !!!!. (the CIA has yet to determine what that noun is)

Ok, so democracy is almost out of breath in pakistan , but in neighbouring india, its in full swing..

If pakistan becomes a "failed state" like the US ( and yes, Chomsky calls it that) the US might invade.. and then WWIV might start. '

Anyways, the weather is fine but extremely smoggy in Bangladesh.. cheerio

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Going overseas is sooo...Boring..

Well, I have been overseas/travelling since i was little. Unlike others, I don't find it interesting anymore. Considering I've only been in one state in Australia since I came here, well.. meh.

Ok, so i've been going to the same second world country for the last 10 years.
Along the way I've learned a few things.
Always keep silent and never smile, People are less likely to annoy you.
Although you might be lonely, You don't need company, because you're not miserable.
Although your parents say that you can pack your bags, really, they want your weight allowance.
Although your relatives pamper you, they want your parents money/goods.
Never ever think that you can stay.
Try not to look important, Otherwise people will mug you.

goddamn it. Its going to be so boring, and I really should have invested in an external hard drive, then i wouldn't have to burn all these goddamn dvds.
Jeez. we;re in for a long haul people.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Off, to bangladesh

Well, I'm off to a cyclone ravaged country, of my birth.
except i don't really feel a connection to it.. I mean sure, I speak the language, and i look like them but I've been brought up in western countries,all my life. So is it unnatural to feel weird ?..

Ahmadin who?

Ahmadinejad has a blog ?

Whoa, If only Howard or Rudd had a blog, instead of PR sites with excerpts from their press releases.

I mean, their speeches are so long,that sometimes they can't stop. What better place to mouth off other than the internet ? ..Hey, look, even I do it.

In other news.

NIE stirrs up the white house.

sorry, about the short post, Its 2 am.. as you can finally see.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

American Republicans suck

But unfortunately, We can't stop them from being republicans , because we'd be hypocrites, just like them...

But still, They suck. Big time.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

But Its true, Girls don't play video games...

Ok, So i know its a stereotype, but have you seen one serious female gamer? and all of the sexism that goes on in VOIP and shit like that, can you blame them ??

It first came to attention when i started reading Ctrl Alt Del, that there are NO, female gamers in some games.

I wonder why ?

The answer lies in the majority of games. mainly the genre; War.

War is a male act, rapacious, extreme, violent. And, although Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ( I wonder who said that), It's just not their thing. Sure there are woman soldiers, but that doesn't mean that all girls like violence.. Thus leading to popular stereotypes... (ie, dutch, bull dyke marines.. etc. ) but thats died down in recent years as the idea of a woman holding a rifle doesn't seem too bad, as long as she kills the enemy, and not her husband.

Although..- "Nothing beats a woman that you have to salute in the morning" ...


This is so fucking true... Damn n00bs.


Trust the system. . I do...just not at home.

I'd just like to make it clear that I'm not anarchist or anything. The system is great, but the chain f command is such that Its really hard to effect any sort of change.

My faith in the promotion system, has been justified, My faith in the chain of command. Has been ruined.

Heres another track that really suits this moment..

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why ?

It just gets deeper and deeper..

*pauses* , Sorry, If you're here for the usual news outrage about the media thing, skip this section.
As I sit here on my fat ass, typing this, I finally realise that Its me i should be blaming. I'm not knowledgable in my hobby/job, I'm not particularly fit, I'm not adept at ONE skill required. (just one)

That being said, I still try. Which is more than the other candidate can say. He is skilled and fit, but He doesn't try or adhere to the objectives of the organisation. But he lacks discipline and EXPerience. Which i have. Alright, so the others don't really respect me that much but it still should have been me.

And as I looked around tonight, Neither do any of the higher rank, or staff. That doesn't make sense at all. They should embody what the organization wants them to represent. Lead by example. And if you've got a corrupt head of state, you'll have a corrupt state. Power corrupts ( I've only taken One can of Pepsi .. I swear) .

Also , It turns out scamming teachers is useful, My presentation on War on Democracy, Was brilliant, according to the teacher. (I had it organized in my mind... I swear) ..


Now, On the newswires was this assessment of Iran, From the US.
I was expecting it to be more hawkish, pro republican, Anti Iran , But NO,

US report cools tensions

So, like, Bush is like, Despite this ,we must Bomb Bomb Bomb Iraq- I mean Iran.. It's vital to stop WWIII ... Dude, WWIII is going to be the world against the US.. (wishful thinking, I know) .

Ok, So for all those that listen to Faux News (Fox..) Heres a summary of what you're going to see... Most likely more and more BS. PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYES !. .(whoops, I meant Non Americans)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A new dawn

Tomorrows the day..

Tomorrow is the day that i go in front, and waste 15 minutes of class. For nothing.
Although one could argue that you don't learn much in school.. I'd like to think i learnt how to scam teachers there.
The 15 minutes I'm going to take up is going to be wasted on these fools !. like seriously, they don't give a shit about latin america. geez.

And later on, i come to terms with my job... Someday.


It's a bittersweet symphony, thaats life .....
Trying to make ends meet, your a slave to money then you die..

You know the rest.

I'm Sorry.

I'm sorry, but i had to post this. I just couldn't resist.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Losing sleep now ?

We had Pe today, and the teams were unbalanced.

I observed this phenomenon (see I can speil), and thought at first.
"No one give s shit."
"duh, Its just a stupid PE lesson"

and as much as i was in agreement with the second sentence, I began to think, (having nothing else to do) that if the stakes were higher, Would people have a conscience ?

Would they think for a moment, you know, that hey, we have an unfair advantage, thats not based on skill but on deceit and lies (actually the PE teachers are nice guys) ... ?
Would they go, thats not fair, we should extend equal rights to them ?

*warning , total nonsense starts here*

Of course, I still haven't had the shit beaten out of me by life, and am not looking forward to it..

Considering how much sleep i've lost since i got passed over for a guy that HASN'T Taught much. Seriously.


Excuse me while i appreciate not being American, which is the only thing i have left..

Sorry you had to see that. The organization, that I had faith in, has deserted me. But i guess I deserve it , for not being able to see it coming. Well, As the chief says, Finish the Fight.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The ANZUS, I mean ANUS treaty.

Righto, Time to set somethings straight,

Many people here in Australia think that Australia's relationship with the US, is one of necessity.

Some people who remember high school may have heard about the ANZUS treaty, Aus, NZ and US treaty. However, not many people are aware that it is a farce.
All it does is allow the US to plant bases on our soil, on the pretense of security.

The reason it is false is because :

Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on any of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes.

Note that it says "
its constitutional processes", that means that the President of the great US, If he doesn't like us, doesn't have to help us, unless his bases are threatened. So unless the Chinese army, steps on the bases of the great Uncle Sam, HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO SHIT.

So you Australians, out there, keep listening to FOX news telling you to keep an eye out for terrorists, or Today Tonight telling you that Uncle sam is looking over you.

WELL he isn't, dumbasses.

I is n000b

How could I have been so stupid ? , Leaving me open to attack from all directions in a public forum(the interweb) From both people that know me and don't know me..

I is a giant, dammn n00b. I knew i shouldn't have published this address onto msn, ah shit.

Now they know EVERYTHING, all my darkest thoughts.

See, Now is the bit where i go..

great, Now they know that I'm sick of my job and that Oliver North and Fox are total bullshit...

So from now on, I'll only be posting about world news that pisses me off enough to write about it.. If it's that bad, don't expect coherent posts.

Like seriously.

Fox News ? O, you mean Faux News ?

An infamous Lt Col. Of the USMC (i think), was employed by Fox as a political commentator.

Ok, So Oliver North is a primary source of the events that occurred during the Iran Contra Scandal, but still.

This in my mind just proved that Fox is a right wing wacknut channel that shouldn't be listened to by anyone.

Seriously. They've gotten more shit wrong than anything else. This is the shit that you call news ? Huh Americans ? ..Well, i've got news for you (hah!) . IT AIN'T WORTH WATCHING !.

Friday, November 30, 2007

I dub thee, Sir Ducky

It's amazing what duck tape can do in the field.

And it's also amazing what people can think of you in the field... An Asshole went from being an asshole, to "a useful kinda guy" to have around...

Of course, that wouldn't be the case unless someone had a wardrobe malfunction..

I think I've said enough.

As for the injustice mentioned earlier, I feel that, I might as well quit that position, Again, this is probably just me blowing off steam and the usual teenage depression/angst thing. But it seriously is looking more and more like its not worth the effort.

I don't know really. And am trying to make sense of it all. I'd like to quit on a high note, but it's not looking too good. The system has been screwed.

But, I'd think this quote covers it.

"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around. What do you see. Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?"


"what you must learn is that these rules are no different that the rules of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others can be broken. Understand? Then hit me if you can.... Good. Adaptation, improvisation. But your weakness is not your technique."

And the best for last

"Why, Mr. Anderson, why? Why, why do you do it? Why, why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something, for more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is, do you even know? Is it freedom or truth, perhaps peace - could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson, vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself. Although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson, you must know it by now! You can't win, it's pointless to keep fighting! Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?"

Neo: "Because I choose to."

Being popularly paranoid.

Nowadays, It seems that many people seem to like being paranoid, since it gives them attention,
I was paranoid in year 7, seeing conspiracies everywhere, Then , I matured..(yes, In one year) and realized that, If they did manage to step over me.. Big deal.

Nowadays, It seems people are blind, To the ILLUMINATI !!!!!!

Just kidding.. really. I don't subscribe to that bullshit. But, questions major events such as 9/11 is not bullshit , Its natural. Why the hell did you let OBL's family go after 9/11 and proceed to then racially profile ( and refuse guns) to millions of innocent people who were trying to make a decent living in the GREAT USA.. I mean .. In the western world.

Again, This post is probably going to be filled with more Anti American bullshit, and only having been to canada, I'm not qualified to comment on America.



OMG. IT should say 12 08 AM..

Now, see how lonely i am, I get excited over a time stamp.. Geez.. Calm down...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Righto, Now, Down to business.

Year 11 and 12 is going to be very...very.. tough.

The horror stories are abundant, For example,

"Nearly one in five year 12 students have thought about killing or hurting themselves because of exam and homework pressures. " -smh

So, Me taking about 2 3 unit subjects, one of which i dislike, another 2 subjects I'm unsure about, and in general, Very Apprehensive. So, Will I become one in five ? ..Find out, next week on This is your life.

In other news.

Musharaff ( one f or 2 ? ), however you spell it, appears to be on the road to democracy, REally ?
Kevin Rudd is the new prime minister, It's a first.
Chasers is now only 50 % interesting , It had high quality satire (like the Peter Garret Spoofs) but now it's just gone crude.
Apparently , Cyrpus decided to endorse Turkey into the EU ( this is over 2 years ago) even when turkey was occupying its land.. Wierd logic. So don't complain..

Palestine and Israel meet to discuss new ways of breaking ceasefires.

The world turns for another day.

Damnation. Depressed. Down.

Yeah, It's been a bad week.. Now if i were superstitious, I'd say it was because I've been bad to my parents, but I'm not.
First of all, I got denied for a course that not only did i have the qualifications for, but people less qualified got chosen for.

Ok, so maybe i can't tie a knot.. So what ? Seriously, So you're going to send some jackass who sucks up to the higher rank ? Jeez, THE FUCKING INJUSTICE.... Now I'm going to kill some flood to cheer me up. What sucks is that I'll be in the same position that i've been in for 2 years. which sucks, Big time.

Anyways, onto more cheerful.. I mean miserable stuff, I'm going on holiday, with nothing much to do.. other than being bored.
Seriously, First I don't get selected for peer support, and now this. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a leader.

Oh well. Let us drown our sorrows in Pepsi Max..Wait , THATS RIGHT.. THERE IS NONE.

To lead you require, Knowledge, skill and tact.. You could say that i don't have any of those in large quantities, but i'd like to think I have enough. But no, maybe next time.

Ok finally the cheerful stuff.

The sun shone today.
Kevin Rudd elected an Asian Minister.
and the HALO 3 soundtrack is awesome. as usual.

IT works ?

I finally discovered the time stamp option...
Thanks to a friend..



Its 12 20 am not whatever it says.

This is seriously annoying. I am not an AMERICAN.
I swear, If i get a premonition that going to hell would mean that i become an american, I'd be squeaky clean as possible. No sinning for me. No sir!. DAMM! . that was american.

I've got nothing against American people, just like to find my own unique "Australian" (not American Australian) way of doing things.

And having an American time zone isn't helping things.

Ok, so whats new ?

I just discovered that google calenders are used worldwide to organize millions of personal lives.
Along with Facebook, Myspace, Photobucket. Does anyone realise what people could do with you're personal things ? Even you're IP address can get you in trouble.

thinking I'm paranoid ?, Yeah, I do too.

Sure there are laws in place to protect us, but not if they don't get caught.
We have Freedom of Information problems here, Trying to get some politicians frigging schedule., almost cost one newspaper $12 million bucks. Of course, they didn't get it.
So whats to stop companies from using you're private information and sending a hitman to kill you ,just so they could test the reality of the new hitman game ?

Seriously ? what is there ?

You read in fiction books, about rich corporations controlling the world, The richest men, all in some secret sort of Illuminati council controlling the world. .Well, unfortunately , thats looking truer by the minute.

Ok, It's now 12 28 am, and i have school tomorrow. Tchuis. or whatever.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Halo 3 soundtrack. . Is as expected, and more.

When i heard the music on halo 3 i was astounded, they've done a astronomical job since Halo 1.

And I'm just loving the soundtrack, My favourite is the song in the background of the level.. The ark.
I'll be humming it along too.

Damn the simple minded students. ..

Of Year 10.


Ok, so most of them are matierialistic to the extreme, with porn, and hentai, (for you asians out there.) Most of them are jocks, and assholes who don't really care about anyone but themselves.
Others that do care are reasonable, nice people, but don't really know much about the world they live in. amongst all of them , there are a few precious jems, the intelligent ones, and amongst those, there are those that can be intelligent and play sport at the same time.. OMG..
I know.

So, to the above bunch of people, How do you make Latin America and all its issues, as mentioned in the film War on Democracy, by John Pilger ( It's a intellectual film), Interesting ?
Seriously ? I'm boned.
Ok, I was thinking of mentioning cocaine as in connection to Latin America (Columbia, Eucador etc) but i don't think the teachers would approve.. So, I guess my presentation will be a Straight A boring as shit presentation about the purpose and analysis of Pilger. John, I'm sorry, I couldn't educate these ignorant (some are nice though) people.. They just don't give a shit. Besides, what the hell are they gonna do about Chavez as a dictator ? (of course, The people in Venezuela will kill him if he becomes one) .

Anyways, thanks to bg for the comment.. You have the honor of being the first one on this blog.
As for idealism. I guess my friend was right. Dammn that sucks.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I should have gone elsewhere.

Ok, complaining time.

Really, I think that people find me, Depraved and egotistical and attention starved. That has got to stop. Totally. Of course, That assumes that people read the previous blog posts.

Anyways. Bloggers were i think once Time's people of the year or something, Why ? because some of them actually make sense. So Shoo, go and read ones that do.

One of my friends, is very, very cynical. Looking out for no. one. He isn't pessimistic, just attuned to the realities of this dog eat dog world out there. Not to say we're cannibals.

But seriously, here's a thought. Would you step over someone if it meant that you would be better off ? Would you kill that person ?

Monday, November 26, 2007

What the ?

I just read my previous post, and the time stamp says 3:13 AM ?

Well, Now I know that I'm being brainwashed, I stay up late, but not that late.
Dammn this site and its US centric servers. Or whatever.

Anyways, while I still have time, (I just finished year 10) I've got alot of time, 2 weeks of time, until i fly off into the sunset, and buy the farm. Just kidding, I'd never be that ridiculously American.

And since i got myself started on Americans, I'll stop. Before the CIA gets me.

Just because i don't like americans, know how to fly and have access to fuel tanks , doesn't mean that I'm a terrorist. Seriously, ever go to a gas station ? I mean Petrol station ? , Yeah, fuel tanks there too.

O, and heres another reason to lock me in guantanamo, I like Michael Moore's films, and live in a country with federalized healthcare.

See, I started and finished my self on Americans.

Now, onto more about America. ... Hey, Its not my fault i know more about it than the country of my birth, BLAME IT ALL on CAPITALISM.. comrades. .. I mean, Citizens.

Oh, and just to give you even more hints about which country I'm in, well, We just elected a Labour govt. who loves americans almost as much as the previous govt. Great work..dipshit.

Great work by microsoft, in whose blogs/spaces, you can't swear at without being censored, so what if so dipshit in the CIA is watching my every move. I'm an egotistical bastard. As much as I'd like to pretend that I'm not really that bad ( and i'm not) I can't without somehow contradicting myself in the future.

Seriously speaking, If you want to find an egotistical bastard, grab your nearest male human being, Or yourself, (just don't grab you're own penis), Kick him in the nuts, and watch him bendover, then, when he tries to exact revenge, you have your proof. Females are slightly less egotistical, but the same procedure works.

So, where were we ? Ah yes, Americans. The single race/country ever to drop an atomic bomb, ruin millions of lives, save thousands, and then ruin millions more. Then of course, save thousand again. The single country on the planet which has been the subject of a lot of comedian's acts recently. Why ? Well, for starters, Your President sucks.

"We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations, hold this nation hostile, or our allies hostile"
Or what about that time he confused Austria with Australia, I mean like WTF ?

We Australians have licked the shit out of your ass for the last 80 or so years, Kyoto, Vietnam, Korea, Israel. We've been by your side since the fall of Singapore. And you couldn't even get the damn name right. Or the names of so many places, including the Opera House. Jeez, Is it a wonder, Ladies and gentlemen( and advertising bots) that we think so lowly of you Americans ? This man is meant to be the representative of the GLORIOUS USA,the same country that bailed us out of cold water in WWII.

Of course, We're not stupid enough to privatise our healthcare or ban the communist party, But we're plenty stupid to believe that the ANZUS (Sorry ANUS) Alliance is gonna do us good.
I mean ,give us some credit, we can locate Hong Kong and Singapore from a world map, WITHOUT HELP. (probably coz most of us are from there) O, did i mention We can locate INDIA and the USA and UK on a map too ? We're a smart people, and we're grateful for it, Unless you're one of the country bogans who love pauline hansen. People with access to the interweb usually aren't.

Anyways, If you did have trouble reading the above posts, It's because Americans are a nice generous people ,who are easily mislead, but have penchant for holding riots with guns, So don't get caught misleading them (easy enough).


And Here It begins.

The sequential nonsense that flows out of my mouth, and that is typed to this screen has to go somewhere right ?
Why not the Interweb ? After all, Some guy gets alot of money from the ads around here, so hey, everyone's a winner. I never get to shut up, and that guy gets lots of money, Or google gets to know my mind ,so it can secretly brainwash me through igoogle.

Why did i start this blog ? Well, In the vain and egotistical hope that someone, somewhere might remember a lonely , lonely high school student (who isn't that lonely). The one guy that is so craven for attention that he posts pictures of himself on the Interweb. And writes nonsense.

I bet by now, Some of you (my non existent readers) are probably going " O here we go again, We've heard all this generic nonsense, NEXT PLEASE" and I the egotistical bastard that I am, will go " Nooo, Please don't go, I need your attention, while i totally blabber on about shit that people don't care about..."

well, Go on, click that dammn button. I'll be here when you remember. I think. Unless google brainwashes me again.