Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Angry..wtf ?

We'd all like to be well rounded, calm and witty individuals, wouldn't we ?.

Unfortunately, we're not.

I don't know whether it's the caffiene, or the fact that theres a shitload of HW in year 11. Or the fact that I don't seem to care anymore. Apathy has become my creed.

Anger my emotion, and what vestiges of control I have left fast dissapating.

Maybe it's just this fucking double maths period I just had.
Or the fact that my friends seem less real than my computer.

I quite frankly don't know.

My potential in doubt. (I had potential?). My efforts worthless.

As effortlessesly as I type, Apathy creeps in.

Why ?

I don't know.
And I sure as hell didn't choose to.

Being in an organization used to make me feel like I belong, now it seems alien and weird. But beautiful, In a museum sort of way. Evolution. Moving on. Leaving behind.
An artifact of my past. (Or my future).

I know I need help. But I'm probably just an attention seeker at heart.
If I were to ask about help on certain topics, they were certain to use it to their advantage.
But, such is life. I might just be paranoid.

Alright, enough of that shit.

In other news.

In case you haven't gathered, pressure is mounting up, and even though I got the award for most improved in maths, I don't like it.

US continues to hound Iran. Why ?. Do Iranians have to die too before Americans can use Oil Based Viagra ?


Apathy Rolling in.....

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