Monday, December 3, 2007

Losing sleep now ?

We had Pe today, and the teams were unbalanced.

I observed this phenomenon (see I can speil), and thought at first.
"No one give s shit."
"duh, Its just a stupid PE lesson"

and as much as i was in agreement with the second sentence, I began to think, (having nothing else to do) that if the stakes were higher, Would people have a conscience ?

Would they think for a moment, you know, that hey, we have an unfair advantage, thats not based on skill but on deceit and lies (actually the PE teachers are nice guys) ... ?
Would they go, thats not fair, we should extend equal rights to them ?

*warning , total nonsense starts here*

Of course, I still haven't had the shit beaten out of me by life, and am not looking forward to it..

Considering how much sleep i've lost since i got passed over for a guy that HASN'T Taught much. Seriously.


Excuse me while i appreciate not being American, which is the only thing i have left..

Sorry you had to see that. The organization, that I had faith in, has deserted me. But i guess I deserve it , for not being able to see it coming. Well, As the chief says, Finish the Fight.


Anonymous said...

it's spelt 'spell' not 'speil'

sorry.. i had to

M.Muzahid said...

I was trying to be funny.. but i can see it fell flat..