Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why ?

It just gets deeper and deeper..

*pauses* , Sorry, If you're here for the usual news outrage about the media thing, skip this section.
As I sit here on my fat ass, typing this, I finally realise that Its me i should be blaming. I'm not knowledgable in my hobby/job, I'm not particularly fit, I'm not adept at ONE skill required. (just one)

That being said, I still try. Which is more than the other candidate can say. He is skilled and fit, but He doesn't try or adhere to the objectives of the organisation. But he lacks discipline and EXPerience. Which i have. Alright, so the others don't really respect me that much but it still should have been me.

And as I looked around tonight, Neither do any of the higher rank, or staff. That doesn't make sense at all. They should embody what the organization wants them to represent. Lead by example. And if you've got a corrupt head of state, you'll have a corrupt state. Power corrupts ( I've only taken One can of Pepsi .. I swear) .

Also , It turns out scamming teachers is useful, My presentation on War on Democracy, Was brilliant, according to the teacher. (I had it organized in my mind... I swear) ..


Now, On the newswires was this assessment of Iran, From the US.
I was expecting it to be more hawkish, pro republican, Anti Iran , But NO,

US report cools tensions

So, like, Bush is like, Despite this ,we must Bomb Bomb Bomb Iraq- I mean Iran.. It's vital to stop WWIII ... Dude, WWIII is going to be the world against the US.. (wishful thinking, I know) .

Ok, So for all those that listen to Faux News (Fox..) Heres a summary of what you're going to see... Most likely more and more BS. PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYES !. .(whoops, I meant Non Americans)

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