Monday, November 26, 2007

And Here It begins.

The sequential nonsense that flows out of my mouth, and that is typed to this screen has to go somewhere right ?
Why not the Interweb ? After all, Some guy gets alot of money from the ads around here, so hey, everyone's a winner. I never get to shut up, and that guy gets lots of money, Or google gets to know my mind ,so it can secretly brainwash me through igoogle.

Why did i start this blog ? Well, In the vain and egotistical hope that someone, somewhere might remember a lonely , lonely high school student (who isn't that lonely). The one guy that is so craven for attention that he posts pictures of himself on the Interweb. And writes nonsense.

I bet by now, Some of you (my non existent readers) are probably going " O here we go again, We've heard all this generic nonsense, NEXT PLEASE" and I the egotistical bastard that I am, will go " Nooo, Please don't go, I need your attention, while i totally blabber on about shit that people don't care about..."

well, Go on, click that dammn button. I'll be here when you remember. I think. Unless google brainwashes me again.

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