Friday, November 30, 2007

Being popularly paranoid.

Nowadays, It seems that many people seem to like being paranoid, since it gives them attention,
I was paranoid in year 7, seeing conspiracies everywhere, Then , I matured..(yes, In one year) and realized that, If they did manage to step over me.. Big deal.

Nowadays, It seems people are blind, To the ILLUMINATI !!!!!!

Just kidding.. really. I don't subscribe to that bullshit. But, questions major events such as 9/11 is not bullshit , Its natural. Why the hell did you let OBL's family go after 9/11 and proceed to then racially profile ( and refuse guns) to millions of innocent people who were trying to make a decent living in the GREAT USA.. I mean .. In the western world.

Again, This post is probably going to be filled with more Anti American bullshit, and only having been to canada, I'm not qualified to comment on America.


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