Thursday, November 29, 2007

Damnation. Depressed. Down.

Yeah, It's been a bad week.. Now if i were superstitious, I'd say it was because I've been bad to my parents, but I'm not.
First of all, I got denied for a course that not only did i have the qualifications for, but people less qualified got chosen for.

Ok, so maybe i can't tie a knot.. So what ? Seriously, So you're going to send some jackass who sucks up to the higher rank ? Jeez, THE FUCKING INJUSTICE.... Now I'm going to kill some flood to cheer me up. What sucks is that I'll be in the same position that i've been in for 2 years. which sucks, Big time.

Anyways, onto more cheerful.. I mean miserable stuff, I'm going on holiday, with nothing much to do.. other than being bored.
Seriously, First I don't get selected for peer support, and now this. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a leader.

Oh well. Let us drown our sorrows in Pepsi Max..Wait , THATS RIGHT.. THERE IS NONE.

To lead you require, Knowledge, skill and tact.. You could say that i don't have any of those in large quantities, but i'd like to think I have enough. But no, maybe next time.

Ok finally the cheerful stuff.

The sun shone today.
Kevin Rudd elected an Asian Minister.
and the HALO 3 soundtrack is awesome. as usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The guy who sucks up to the higher rank, and the guy who doesn't have much knowledge, skill or tact..

Neither of you should have gotten through


I've said it