Monday, November 26, 2007

What the ?

I just read my previous post, and the time stamp says 3:13 AM ?

Well, Now I know that I'm being brainwashed, I stay up late, but not that late.
Dammn this site and its US centric servers. Or whatever.

Anyways, while I still have time, (I just finished year 10) I've got alot of time, 2 weeks of time, until i fly off into the sunset, and buy the farm. Just kidding, I'd never be that ridiculously American.

And since i got myself started on Americans, I'll stop. Before the CIA gets me.

Just because i don't like americans, know how to fly and have access to fuel tanks , doesn't mean that I'm a terrorist. Seriously, ever go to a gas station ? I mean Petrol station ? , Yeah, fuel tanks there too.

O, and heres another reason to lock me in guantanamo, I like Michael Moore's films, and live in a country with federalized healthcare.

See, I started and finished my self on Americans.

Now, onto more about America. ... Hey, Its not my fault i know more about it than the country of my birth, BLAME IT ALL on CAPITALISM.. comrades. .. I mean, Citizens.

Oh, and just to give you even more hints about which country I'm in, well, We just elected a Labour govt. who loves americans almost as much as the previous govt. Great work..dipshit.

Great work by microsoft, in whose blogs/spaces, you can't swear at without being censored, so what if so dipshit in the CIA is watching my every move. I'm an egotistical bastard. As much as I'd like to pretend that I'm not really that bad ( and i'm not) I can't without somehow contradicting myself in the future.

Seriously speaking, If you want to find an egotistical bastard, grab your nearest male human being, Or yourself, (just don't grab you're own penis), Kick him in the nuts, and watch him bendover, then, when he tries to exact revenge, you have your proof. Females are slightly less egotistical, but the same procedure works.

So, where were we ? Ah yes, Americans. The single race/country ever to drop an atomic bomb, ruin millions of lives, save thousands, and then ruin millions more. Then of course, save thousand again. The single country on the planet which has been the subject of a lot of comedian's acts recently. Why ? Well, for starters, Your President sucks.

"We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations, hold this nation hostile, or our allies hostile"
Or what about that time he confused Austria with Australia, I mean like WTF ?

We Australians have licked the shit out of your ass for the last 80 or so years, Kyoto, Vietnam, Korea, Israel. We've been by your side since the fall of Singapore. And you couldn't even get the damn name right. Or the names of so many places, including the Opera House. Jeez, Is it a wonder, Ladies and gentlemen( and advertising bots) that we think so lowly of you Americans ? This man is meant to be the representative of the GLORIOUS USA,the same country that bailed us out of cold water in WWII.

Of course, We're not stupid enough to privatise our healthcare or ban the communist party, But we're plenty stupid to believe that the ANZUS (Sorry ANUS) Alliance is gonna do us good.
I mean ,give us some credit, we can locate Hong Kong and Singapore from a world map, WITHOUT HELP. (probably coz most of us are from there) O, did i mention We can locate INDIA and the USA and UK on a map too ? We're a smart people, and we're grateful for it, Unless you're one of the country bogans who love pauline hansen. People with access to the interweb usually aren't.

Anyways, If you did have trouble reading the above posts, It's because Americans are a nice generous people ,who are easily mislead, but have penchant for holding riots with guns, So don't get caught misleading them (easy enough).


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